Course Info
Course Staff
- Instructor: Charles Frye (he/him/his,
)- Office Hours: M 1 - 2 pm, Evans 552
- GSI: Everett Wetchler (he/him/his,
)- Office Hours: TBA
Locations & Times
Lectures (80 min, 2/week)
- MW 5:00 - 6:30 pm
- Mulford 240
Labs (110 min, 1/week)
- F 1:00 - 3:00 PM
- Cory 247
Course Websites
- Course Materials. Lecture materials, homeworks, labs, and other material will be posted here. There is no textbook for this course.
- bCourses Lectures will be recorded (audio + projector screen) and posted to this website, where they will be viewable on YouTube if you have a CalNet ID. Only students enrolled in the course may view these videos.
- Piazza We’ll use this website as a discussion forum for course material, assignments, and exams. The questions you ask will be answered first by other students, whose answers will be verified and possibly augmented by ther oinstructors when needed. Any individual with a CalNet ID can sign up.
- datahub. Any individual with a CalNet ID can use this website to interact with the course material, which is formatted as Jupyter notebooks.
- OKpy. We will be using the OK autograding system and server hosted at this website. We will explain how to use OK in the first lab. While only individuals with a CalNet ID can submit to and only individuals enrolled in the course will get a score on manually-graded portions, any person using this material can have their work checked by the autograder locally.
This breakdown is subject to change, but the plan is
- Homework/Labs: 45%
- Midterm Exam: 15%
- Final Exam: 15%
- Final Project: 25%
Note that exams are together worth under a third of the final grade.
The lowest graded homework and lab will be dropped from the average.
Late work is accepted, with a 10% penalty applying at the deadline and every 24 hours after that point.
Important Dates
- Final Exam: 12/20, 3 - 6 pm, MULF240
- Midterm Exam: 10/30, 5 - 630 pm in class (tentative)
- Final Project Presentations: 12/13, 1 - 3 pm in class